Corrigendum: Extension of critical dates and Amendments vide NIT no. JKMSCL/Drugs & Medicines /2025-26/653 Dated: 22.02.2025. || Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee meeting for the e NIT 599 (Instrument Part) dated NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/599 dt 17/08/2023. || for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments" - issuance of amendment in GST Column for the item Hemo diafiltration Machine thereof. || TEC minutes for the item (Anesthesia work station NIT-605). || e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/M&E/2025/ 659 DATED: 22/03/2025 ((PET/CT Scanner) ). || Minor Infirmities for the item "RETINOSCOPE" and "Instant Intracranial brain bleed detector "uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 630 DATE 20/06/2024.|| e NIT -uploaded vide REFERENCE NO: NIT/JKMSCL/M&E/2025/ 658 DATED: 18/03/2025.|| Shortcomings/Minor infirmities of Tenders invited for the procurement of Essential Dental Material for the year 25-26. || Rate Contract for the item "DVT/VTE pump with Battery "uploaded vide NIT No 599 dated 17.08.2023. || Rate Contract for the item "Electro Encephalography Machine" uploaded Vide NIT No.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/ 584 05.06.2023. || e NIT 656 (DIAGNOSTIC & THERAPEUTIC ITEMS FOR CARDIAC CATH LAB”). || Rate Contract for the items "Orthopedics Instruments" of M/S JAYKON SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/INST/2023/588 DATE 03/07/2023. || Rate Contract for the items "General Surgery Instruments/ Gynecology and Orthopedics Instruments" of M/S NEW ALPINE TRADERS uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/INST/2023/588 DATE 03/07/2023.|| Rate Contract for the items of "Orthopedics Instruments" of M/s JAI DURGA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL AGENCIES uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/INST/2023/588 DATE 03/07/2023.|| Rate Contract for the item "Steam Sterilizer" for the e Nit 575. || Rate Contract for the item "Telescope 30 degree" uploaded Vide No NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/617 DATED 23/02 /2024. || Corrigendum: Set Up, Operation, Management and Maintenance of Tele/E-ICUs. || Minutes of Meeting for Consideration of Technical Bids uploaded vide e NIT No JKMSCL/DRUGS and MEDICINES/2023-2024/637 dated. 08.11.2024(“Allopathic Drugs & Medicines.”) || AMENDMENT REGARDING CLIENT BASE CLAUSE IN THE TENDERS FLOATED BY JKMSCL. || Rate Contract for the item "Orthopaedic Bed" uploaded vide e NIT JKMSCL/Mach/2023/599 dated 17.08.2023. || Minor infirmities-e NIT Lab Kits and Logistics (PPE Kit ,N-95 Mask,,VIRAL TRANSPORT MEDIUM ,Viral RNA Extraction Kit,HMPV RT-PCR Diagnostic Kit) uploaded vide e NIT No. JKMSCL/RTPCR/2025/648 DATED 07-01-2021. || Rate Contract for the item - "Nerve Simulator " uploaded vide tender No.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/609 dt 14-12-2023. || Shortcomings /Minor infirmities of tenders invited for the procurement of "Lab Kits and Logistic ". || Re Minor Infirmities Notice for the e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 628 DATE08 /06/2024 (3 TESLA MRI 32 Channel MACHINE ).|| Rate Contract for the item - "High Fidelity Birthing Simulator with Inbuilt Ultrasound" uploaded vide tender No.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/601 DAT 24/08/2023. || e NIT -NoNIT/JKMSCL/M&E/2025/ 657 DATED: 01/03/2025 (FULL BODY MRI SYSTEM 1.5 TESLA ) || e-NIT- NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/655 Dated 28 /02/2025. || Shifting of Sample Warehouse. || e NIT for the ALLOPATHIC DRUGS FOR THE YEAR 2024-26 uploaded vide e NIT No. JKMSCL/DRUGS and MEDICINES/ 2025-2026/653 DATE 22-02-2025. || Shortcomings / Minor infirmities of tenders invited for the Procurement of Allopathic Drugs & Medicines. || E-bid for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Medical Mobile Unit for Tribal Health Plan" under NIT No. JKMSCL/Mach/2023/593 Dated. 31.07.2023...amendment thereof. || E-bid for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "3D Fi Camera Control Unit (CCU)" under NIT No. JKMSCL/Mach/2023/575 dated 09-02-2023...amendment thereof. || GEM Bid for the item Dental X - Ray Machine (V2) (Q2) uploaded vide id No. GEM/2025/B/5922802 dated 18-02-2025. || Rate contract for the item "Titanium Clip Applicator (Open And Endo) and Hem-O-Lok Clip"uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/ 577 DAT 17 /03/2023. || Rate Contract for the item "Electrosurgical unit" uploaded vide eNIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/599 dt 17/08/2023. || Rate Contract for the item 3D FI Camera control Unit (CCU) uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/575 DATED-09/02/2023. || Rate Contract for Diathermy and Vessel Sealing Instruments. uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/ 577 DAT 17 /03/2023. || Rate Contract of Impulse Oscillometer uploaded NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/ 584 DATED 30 /05/2023. || Rate contract for Ophthalmology Instruments of BR Medicals for the e NIT 588 dated 03.07.2023. || Rate Contract for Orthopedics Instruments of BR Medicals for the e NIT 588 dated 03.07.2023. || Minor Infirmities (NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 628 DATE 08 /06/2024) 3 TESLA MRI 32 Channel MACHINE. || Cancellation Order - NIT 587: IFT (Inferential Therapy Equipment) . || Minutes of Meeting of Technical Advisory / Evaluation Committee for Acceptance of Subcommittee Report for the e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 630 DATE 20/06/2024. || Minor infirmities for the finalization of Rate Contract of ALLOPATHIC DRUGS FOR THE YEAR 2024-26 (EDL Items )uploaded vide E NIT No JKMSCL/DRUGS and MEDICINES/ 2023-2024/637 DATED 08-11-2024. || EMPANELMENT OF ANALYTICAL TESTING LABORATORIES FOR TESTING AND ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL DEVICES, SURGICAL DISPOSABLES, DRESSING MATERIAL, BLOOD BANK ITEMS, DENTAL MATERIAL and SUTURES FOR THE YEAR 2024-2026. || Cancellation order for the item Blood mixer and collection Monitor Thrombo-elastography system and Pre-storage automated blood component separator uploaded vide e NIT No.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/ 568 DAT 14 /01/2023. || E-bid for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments-issuance of Rate Contract for the item Battery Operated Sternal Saw. || Regarding Debarred / Blacklisting order in favour of M/s N. W Overseas Cancellation of items viz SDVA Aerosal, Gyne Mobile Combi unit and Portable OT Light. || Minutes of Meeting of the Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee for Acceptance of Demonstration for the finalization of Rate Contract Nit-577. item ECMO. || Minutes of Meeting of the Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee for Acceptance of Demonstration for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of Machinery and Equipment's uploaded vide e NIT No JKMSCL/Mach/2023/616 dated 23.02.2024. || Date Extension with Amendments for the e NIT 644. || Date Extension for the e NIT 642. || E-bid for finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of Dental Machinery & Equipments towards e-NIT No: JKMSCL/Dental Machinery & Equipments/2024/641, Dated: 27-11-2024 . || Rate Contract for the item Fluorescence definition camera system for open surgery uploaded vide NO. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/575 DATED-09/02/2023. || Rate Contract for the item 4 K Florescence Ultra High Definition Laparoscopy imaging endo vision system uploaded vide eNIT No.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2022/ 558 DAT 26/11/2022. || Corrigendum for the item Blood Pocket (GMCU01)uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/M&E/2023/645 : 02-12-2024. || Rate Contract of Biological X-Ray Based blood irradiator uploaded vide e NIT No. JKMSCL/ Mach/2023/568 dated 14.01.2023 || New Date of Pre BID Conference for the item Monoplace Hyperbaric Therapy. uploaded vide e NIT NO. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/649 DATED 14/01/2025 || Cancellation order for the for the item (Extra Corporal Shockwave lithotripsy Machine) uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/577 dt 17-03-2023. || Cancellation order for the for the item (DEEP TMS )uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/587 dt 19/06/2023 || Cancellation order for the for the items (High End Teaching Operating Ophthalmic Microscope ) uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2022/546 Dt 01/11/2022. || Cancellation order for the for the items (Electric micro incinerator for loop and Water Distiller ) uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/596 dt 02-08-2023. || Cancellation order for the (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS( ENT Instruments ) uploaded vide e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/INST/2023/588 DATE 03/07/2023. || Cancellation order for the item (High End Digital Mammography.) uploaded vide e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/591 dt 12.07.2023. || Cancellation order for the items (Surgical Instrument Container with Sizes ,Laser System.) uploaded vide e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/575 DATED 09/02/2023 || Rate Contract for the item "Nucleic Acids Extractor" uploaded vide e NIT NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/591 dt 12.07.2023 || New Dates of Pre-bid Conference NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/ 650 DATED 14 /01/2025 (Orthopedics Department). || Date Extension with Amendments uploaded Vide e NIT NO. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 646 DATED 09 /12/2024. || Cancellation Notice for 102 and 108 Ambulance Services . || Circular regarding submission of STP's.|| Rate Contract for the item Tri Head Microscope and Penta Head Microscope || Rate Contract for the item Automatic Component Extractor uploaded Vide e NIT No. JKMSCL/ Mach/ 2023/587 dated 19.06.2023 || Rate Contract for the item Aphaeresis Machine uploaded vide e NIT NO. JKMSCL/2023/568 dated 14.01.2023 || Withdrawal of Blacklisting Orde issued in favour of M/s Wallace Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. || Extension Notice :Expression of Interest (EOI) for the procurement of “Surgical Suture and Allied Material ” for the UT of J&K . || Minutes Of Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee For The Finalization Of The Rate Contract For The Procurement Of Machinery and Equipments uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 605. ||  Minutes Of Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee For The Finalization Of The Rate Contract For The Procurement Of machinery and Equipments uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 614 dated 19.02.2024. || Corrigendum : Lab Kits and Logistics vide NIT no. JKMSCL/RTPCR/2025/648 ,dated: 07.01.2025.|| Amendment with Regarding to Client Base Clause in the Tenders floated by JKMSCL. || Corrigendum e NIT 641 (Dental Machinery and Equipment's). || Please read Date of Pre-bid conference 30.01.2025 at 11.00 am instead of 27.01.2025 for the e NIT uploaded vide No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/649 DATED 14/01/2025 || Evaluation of Technical bids for finalization of Rate Contact for p r o c u r e m e n t of Machinery & Equipment with reference No. JKMSCL/M&E/2024/635 dated. 16.08.2024 with reference to clause 2.1.9 Chapter Il of the Standard Procurement Procedure approved during 2nd Board Meeting of JKMSCL. || Shortcomings /Minor infirmities of tenders invited for the procurement of "Hospital Furniture”. || Minor infirmities( 2nd chance) for the e NIT 623 dated 23.03.2024 (Hospital Furniture ). || Corrigendum/Cancellation Order. || Objection (if any) for Proprietary/patented products for the e-NIT uploaded vide No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/ 605 DATED 19/10/2023 Flexible Video Bronchoscope, Ultrasonic Video Gastro Endoscope Linear, GF UCT 180, High Fidelity Full Body Patient Communication Simulator with Artificial Intelligence, Ultrasound Processor EU ME3,DISPOSAL DESTROYER SYSTEM (Needle Blaster). || REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE SET UP, OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF TELE/E-ICUS IN NEW GMCS ON PPP MODE. || Revision of Item Codes of drugs under EDL.|| Debarred / Blacklisting order in favour of M/s N.W Overseas, 42 Devi Murti Colony, Panipat. || Debarred / Blacklisting order in favour of M/s Samarth Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Samarth House, 168, Bangur Nagar Off Link Road, Near Ayappa Temple Goregaon (W), Mumbai-40090. || Cancellation order for the Item “Integrated ultrasonic cutting and coagulation device with advance tissue and vessel sealer for open and laparoscopic surgery” and “Gamma probe detection system” uploaded vide e NIT no 575 dated 09.02.2023. || NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/ 651 DATED 14 /01/2025. || e NIT-NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/ 650 DATED 14 /01/2025. || e NIT -NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2025/649 DATED 14/01/2025. || for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments" - issuance of rate contract for the item Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing System (CPET) thereof || for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments" - issuance of Rate Contract for the item Operative Chair and Stool. || for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments" - issuance of Rate Contract for the item Portable Isolation Room for Kidney Transplant.|| Corrigendum regarding ADVANCE 4TH GENERATION PHACO MACHINE and RETINOSCOPE uploaded e NIT No.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 630 DATE 20/06/2024. || Important Note : 3 TESLA MRI MACHINE (32 Channel) All bidders are requested to offer their rates in Tender id No. 2024_HME_249620_ 2 instead of 2024_HME_249620_1 (As per Corrigendum the BOQ is amended) || Due Date Extension with Amendments -3 TESLA MRI 32 Channel MACHINE|| Due Date Extended-25.01.2025 102 (Outsourcing and Operation of 102 and 108 Ambulances Service). || e NIT Lab Kits and Logistics (PPE Kit ,N-95 Mask,,VIRAL TRANSPORT MEDIUM ,Viral RNA Extraction Kit,HMPV RT-PCR Diagnostic Kit). || Minutes Of Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee For The Finalization Of The Rate Contract For The Procurement Of AYURVEDIC /UNANI CLASSICAL And PATENT MEDICINES FOR THE YEAR 2024-26 Uploaded Vide NIT NO.JKMSCL/Ayd/Unani/ Med/ 2024 /626 Dated 25.05.2024. || Minor Infirmities Notice for the e NIT 630 dated 20.06.2024. || Public Notice regarding the email ids of General Manager, Kashmir and Dy. General Manager, Procurement and Supplies.|| Minor Infirmities Notice for the e NIT Uploaded Vide No. NIT/JKMSCL /ME/2024 /635 DATE 16 /08/2024. || Re-Minor Infirmities - e NIT 627 (Robotic Suite). || Opening of Technical Bid for Procurement of Allopathic Drugs/ Medicines uploaded Vide e NIT No 637 dated 08.11.2024. || Due Date Extension with Addendum Items for the e NIT 641 (Dental Machinery). || 102 and 108 Due Date Extension to 10.01.2025. || Technical Advisory /Evaluation Committee Minutes uploaded vide e NIT No. 627 For Robotic Surgery System. || Corrigendum for the e NIT 641 dated 27.11.2024 regarding Addendum Items with Date Extension. || Corrigendum for the e NIT-JKMSCL/DENTAL MATERIAL/2024 / 638 DATED 11 -11-2024 regarding Due Date Extension and Amendments. || e NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/647 DATED 27-12-2024 -Walk Behind Scrubber,Vacuum Cleaner Wet and dry,Ride on Scrubber Machine,Knapsack Spray Pump.|| E nit NIT/JKMSCL/M&E/2024/ 645 DATED: 02 /12/2024.|| Corrigendum e NIT -JKMSCL/DENTAL MATERIAL/2024 / 638 DATED 11 -11-2024. || Expression of Interest to Hire the Service Provider for Courier Services for the JKMSCL.|| Technical Advisory /Evaluation Committee Minutes uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/617 DATED 23/02 /2024 (Bipolar TUR Instruments). || Technical Evaluation / Advisory Committee meeting uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2023/575 DATED 09/02/2023 for opening of Financial Bid (General Surgical Instruments for Cancer Institute and Electro Surgical Unit and Titanium Clips) . || Technical Advisory /Evaluation Committee Minutes uploaded vide e NIT No. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 611 DATED 04/01/2024 for acceptance of Sub-Committe report . || Pre Bid Meeting rescheduled for the item EMG/NCV/EP machine and OT TABEL FOR NEUROSURGERY vide e NIT NO. NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 643 DATED 28 /11/2024. || Cancellation of Tender for Outsourcing of Courier services.|| Minor Infirmities / Shortcoming Notice - NIT - 633. || Corrigendum /Cancellation Order - "Cell Server Machine" tendered in NIT 584 dated 05-06-2023 || Corrigendum (Outsourcing and Operation of 102 and 108 Ambulances Service) uploaded vide NIT NO.NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/ 636 DATED 21/10/2024 || Regarding Minor Infirmities of NIT No. 637, procurement of Allopathic Drugs.(M/S BHARDWAJ AGENCIES) || Expression of Intrest : Procurement of "Surgical Sutures and allied Materials" for the UT of J&K. || Corrigendum regarding Amendments of items Codes Vide e NIT No. 613 Allopathic Drugs/ Medicines. || e NITNIT/JKMSCL/M&E/2023/645 dated 02-12-2024 Full body UV Therapy for vitiligo and Psoriasis Alcohol breath analyzer Blood Pocket Cold Surface for blood component labeling & sorting Blood Transport Box Stand Alone Microwave Mobile Waste Disinfectant system. || CORRIGENDUM:- 637/"Allopathic Drugs & Medicines". || eNIT No. JKMSCL/DRUGS & MEDICINES/2023-2024/631 Dt. 18-07-2024 (Allopathic Drugs/Medicines). || for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments" - issuance of rate contract thereof. || JKMSCL/Ayd/Unani/Med/626 Dt. 25-05-2024---Shortcoming/Minor infirmities of tenders invited for the "Ayurvedic/Unani/Medicines". || Performance Security @5 % for the Rate Contracts/Purchase W.e.f 01.04.2023. || Cancellation of NIT item, Bronchoscopy Simulator (item code MC113) and Real Time PCR (item Code MC1106) thereof. || Rate contract for the item Automatic Peritoneal Dialysis Cycler was uploaded via NIT No. 574 dated 03.02.2023 || e NIT 635 dated 16.08.2024 (Machinery and Equipments) || Minor Infirmities -NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/617 DATED 23/02 /2024 || Evaluation of technical bids for finalisation of Rate Contract for procurement of “Dental Material” with reference no: JKMSCL/NIT/Dental Material/615/2024 dated: 23.02.24 || Corrigendum :- 592 --- Rate Contract issued in favour of M/s Allied Hospital Traders (Allopathic drugs/Medicines) || Minor Infirmities TAX AUDITOR OF JKMSCL FOR THE AY 2024-25 and AY 2025-26 vide NIT No.E-NIT no. 629 Dated 13.06.2024. || Cancellation of Purchase order 10282402930 dated: 27.03.2024 & 10282402935 dated: 27.03.2024. || Cancellation of Purchase order no.10282402816 dated: 27.03.2024 for the item Spray Diclofenac Diathylamide 4.46% W/V (with qps Technology) 30ml bottle (1676). || Cancellation of Purchase order no.10282402909 dated: 27.03.2024 for the item of Rna zap 250 ml (COVID010). || Extension Notice-602 || Minor Infirmities -NIT No. 607 (Ophthalmology Items ). || Shortcomings/Minor infirmities of tenders invited for the procurement of Surgical Disposable items. || Notification regarding e-NIT for procurement of Hospital Linen & Bedding items advertised under NIT No:JKMSCL/C&B/2024/621, following amendments are made. || Notification regarding for finalization of Rate Contract under Group Machinery & Equipment. || The Last Date of Submission of Minor Infirmities has been Extended upto 31.12.2022 -04 pm for the NIT of Machinery and Equipment's Uploaded Vide No. JKMSCL/M&E/2022/525 dated 06.05.2022 ||

About Us

The J&K Medical Supplies Corporation Limited - JKMSCL is a fully owned company of Government of J&K, sanctioned for establishment vide Government Order No. 329-HME of 2013, dated 22.05.2013, pursuant to the Cabinet Decision No. 130/15/ 2013, dated 21.05.2013. It is modelled after Tamil Nadu Medical Supplies Corporation (TNMSC), for procurement of drugs, medicines and medical equipment, etc in the State of Jammu and Kashmir for the Department of Health and Medical Education and other Health institutions.

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