• eNIT No. JKMSCL/DRUGS & MEDICINES/2023-2024/631 Dt. 18-07-2024 (Allopathic Drugs/Medicines).

  • E.bid for the finalization of Rate Contract for the procurement of "Machinery & Equipments" - issuance of rate contract thereof.

  • JKMSCL/Ayd/Unani/Med/626 Dt. 25-05-2024---Shortcoming/Minor infirmities of tenders invited for the "Ayurvedic/Unani/Medicines".

  • Performance Security @5 % for the Rate Contracts/Purchase W.e.f 01.04.2023.

  • Cancellation of NIT item, Bronchoscopy Simulator (item code MC113) and Real Time PCR (item Code MC1106) thereof.

  • Rate contract for the item Automatic Peritoneal Dialysis Cycler was uploaded via NIT No. 574 dated 03.02.2023

  • e NIT 635 dated 16.08.2024 (Machinery and Equipments)

  • Minor Infirmities -NIT/JKMSCL/ME/2024/617 DATED 23/02 /2024

  • Evaluation of technical bids for finalisation of Rate Contract for procurement of “Dental Material” with reference no: JKMSCL/NIT/Dental Material/615/2024 dated: 23.02.24

  • Corrigendum :- 592 --- Rate Contract issued in favour of M/s Allied Hospital Traders (Allopathic drugs/Medicines)

  • It is reiterated to all the participant bidder(s) that the uploaded Technical documents should be with proper indexing / page number as per checklist, otherwise Technical bid shall not be evaluated

    It is to inform the bidders/ Traders that in view of a holiday on 09-03-2022,the monthly meeting that was supposed to be held in the month of march on second Saturday i.e ( 09-03-2021) will now be held on 16-03-2022. The meeting notice shall be uploaded separately.